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August Member Doing Good: Mary Ann D.

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Mary Ann takes part in a multitude of volunteer activities in her church, St. Vincent DePaul. She takes part in Sunday mass by being a lector and Eucharistic minister. Outside of the traditional mass she offers hospitality as a volunteer for funerals. One of Mary Ann’s favorite parts of volunteering is being able to be a kind, friendly face to meet funeral attendees at the door, being able to offer guidance and comfort during a trying and sometimes scary time is very rewarding for her and encourages her to continue her volunteering efforts.

She also is involved in activities for groups within the parish. For the Crafters for Charity group she helps knit and crochet hats for the homeless, and prayer shawls for the hospital and homebound. In the group everybody does what they can. Somebody else cuts out fabric and Mary Ann uses it to create bags for children. The bags are filled with books and goodies and given to kids who are removed from the homes.

Mary Ann is not originally from Omaha but she moved here ready to find a new parish and take it by storm by giving back to the community and touching people’s lives in a positive way. She is too humble to admit that she has certainly been successful. Keep up the hard work, Mary Ann! You are an inspiration to us all and thank you for all you do for the community.

Be well,


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